Exhibition 08.02.20-07.03.20 > Danielle Fisher / Life Is A Show Darling

Daniel Fischer’s exhibition evolved from a process of examining advice and guidance she received from her mother, who immigrated from Cairo to Paris, and from there to the United States. On the accumulation of knowledge transmitted between generations of women: mothers and daughters, between East and West and vice versa, in a way that no matter what the nature of the transition, the important information for transmission is carried with us.

Although Daniel’s migration route from west to east (USA to Israel) is reversed in its direction, the same information she remembers well still remains relevant to her as a subject for thought and beyond. The exhibition externalizes, presents and activates the transition, and the realisation, which includes information, memory, and a desperate attempt to provide protection, thin as it may be, and yet very important as an operating principle and practical essence.